Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
LIEAP assists eligible households with the cost of home heating through direct cash payments or payments to utility companies on their behalf. A crisis component is available for households without resources facing the loss of a heating source. Eligibility for both program components is based on a combination of factors, including income, type of heating payment, and total heating costs. The BFA Division of Family Assistance Policy (DFAP) operates LIEAP in each of the Department of Human Services (DoHS) field offices for a short time each winter, usually beginning with a mail-out to targeted households.
In addition, DFAP contracts with the Community Action Network and with regional Agency on Aging offices to perform outreach and accept LIEAP applications at their local sites.
Emergency LIEAP opening will be announced.
Below are the LIEAP income guidelines for Fiscal Year 2025 (the current fiscal year):
For more information about LIEAP, contact your local Department of Human Services (DoHS) office. Click here for a list of all county offices, or apply online at https://www.wvpath.wv.gov/.
Click here to view the Fiscal Year 2025 WV LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) State Model Plan.
Repair and Replace Assistance Program and Weatherization Programs
The Low Incolme Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Repair and Replacement Program is available to homeowners in need of emergency heating and/or cooling. The program is only available to households with unsafe or malfunctioning/non-operable heating and/or cooling systems.
In addition to income and household size a client must have in their household for cooling unit:
An individual that is disabled, or
An individual that is age 60 or over, or
A child that is age 5 years or younger.
Applications can be picked up at your local Department of Human Services (DoHS) office. Click here for a list of all county offices, or apply online at https://mylitt.com/ or through a Community Action Agency. Visit https://wvcap.org/agencies/ for a list of Community Action Agency locations.
This program will run from May 1st to September 30th, or until funds are exhausted. The cooling unit repair or replacement program will not be done in the winter months.
20% Discount Program
The Special Reduced Rate Service Program (20% Utility Discount Program) was established by West Virginia state government to assist eligible participants in receiving a 20 percent discount from their gas, electric (November to March), and water companies (all year). If you are a recipient of SNAP and over age 60, a recipient of Social Security Income and over the age of 18, or a recipient of WV WORKS, you may be eligible. Applications for the program are automatically sent out in October each fall.
You may also contact your local county DoHS office if you think you are being missed and discuss it with your worker. Click here for a list of all county offices.
Clients who apply for LIEAP have the right to a Fair Hearing if:
The application is denied.
The client believes the payment amount is in error.
There was a delay in processing the application.
The client believes that he has been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, or political beliefs.
The client must request a hearing within 60 days of receipt of the notification. The DoHS has 30 days after the hearing request is received to schedule the hearing, arrive at a decision, and initiate the appropriate action.
The income guidelines for the 20% Discount Program and Repair and Replace/Weatherization Programs are the same as the LIEAP income guidelines (see graphic above).