COVID 19 Information

As of January 1, 2023, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Early Care and Education will end use of the Critical Care Designation for West Virginia child care centers. This designation was implemented as a temporary response to child care needs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Below is important information for child care providers regarding this change.

Effective January 1, 2023:

·         The Registration for Temporary Crisis Child Care Center and Self-Certification Checklists are no longer required.


·         The Critical Care Self-Certification Checklist will be eliminated, and the full set of child care provider regulations will be reinstated for all provider types (78CSR1 - Child Care Centers; 78CSR18 - Family Child Care Facilities; 78CSR19 - Family Child Care Homes; 78CSR20 - Family Child Care Informal/Relative Homes; 78CSR21 - Out-of-School Time Child Care Centers).


·         Pop-up child care sites that do not have an Initial Application for a Certificate of License or Approval to Operate to become a permanent child care provider with an approved child care license or certificate to operate will be closed. Contact your ECE regulatory specialist to begin the initial application process to maintain operating status.


Providers receiving American Rescue Plan funding are required to continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID guidelines. Per the West Virginia Child Care Stabilization Payment Policy and Procedure Manual:

5.2. Providers will Certify:

5.2.1. When open and providing services, implement policies in line with guidance and orders from states, territorial, Tribal, and local authorities, and, to the greatest extent possible, implement policies in line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


If you have questions related to these changes, please contact your child care specialist. Family Child Care Homes and Facilities regulatory specialist contact information can be found here. Child Care Centers and Out-of-School Time programs licensing specialist contact information can be found here.

Chart of open child care providers can be found ​here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​CDC Guidelines, signature form and checklist for child care providers can be found here and below:

CDC Child Care Guidance ​

Polices and Procedures Verification Form 

Checklist- General Preparedness and Planning 

​Billable Days information

DHHR Extends Financial Support for Child Care Providers

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Family Assistance today announced additional funding to allow child care providers to be reimbursed based on enrollment through August 2024. 

The pay-by-enrollment methodology was instituted during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency using federally allocated funds to provide financial stability and continued assurance of available child care, and was projected to be exhausted by September 2023.
“By reprioritizing use of available funds, DHHR can help child care providers continue to keep their doors open and help working families get the care they need as the child care operational budgets continue to stabilize post-pandemic,” said Janie Cole, Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance. “High quality child care supports both parents and children and is a critical investment in our state’s future.”

The additional funding will come from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, DHHR offered an attendance-based child care subsidy.  

Click here for more information on DHHR’s child care program.​

Please see below for a complete list of billable days.

Billable days for the upcoming months:
Please note:

he Division of Early Care and Education sets the billable days based upon the number of possible work days in each month. The child(ren) must have attended the site at least one day during the month to be eligible for the full billable day’s payment. If children attend more than the set number of billable days, actual days of attendance may be billed.



Beginning March 1, 2022 parents must sign the child(ren) in and out of care daily. The provider may sign the child(ren) in and out of care only as described in the West Virginia Child Care Subsidy Policy and Procedures Manual:


7.7.2.    . . . in cases where a child is transported to and from child care by bus or van, a teacher, aide, driver, director, or caregiver may sign the child in and out if the client signs off on the attendance sheet at the end of the month verifying that their child was in care before and after school on those dates.

April 2023-  20 Days.
May- 2023- 23  Days.
June-2023- 22 Days.
July 2023-  21 Days.
August 2023-  23 Days.
September 2023 21 Days
October 2023 22 Days
November 2023 22 Days
December 2023 21 Days
January 2024 23 Days
February 2024 21 Days
March 2024 21 Days
April 2024 22 Days
May 2024 23 Days
June 2024 20 Days
July 2024 23 Days
August 2024 22 Days
September 2024 21 Days