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2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa - Case Counts


Case Counts

Case counts updated in conjunction with the World Health Organization updates and are based on information reported by the Ministries of Health.

As of November 11, 2014
(Updated November 14, 2014)

Countries with Widespread Transmission

Country Total Cases Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Total Deaths
Guinea 1919 1647 1166
Liberia 6878 2562 2812
Sierra Leone 5586 4683 1187
Total 14383 8892 5165

Countries with an Initial Case or Cases and/or Localized Transmission

Country Total Cases Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Total Deaths
United States 4 4 1
Mali* 4 3 3
Total 8 7 4

Previously Affected Countries

Country Total Cases Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Total Deaths
Nigeria** 20 19 8
Senegal** 1 1 0
Spain 1 1 0
Total 22 21 8
*The WHO situation report of 12 November reported 4 cases and 4 deaths in Mali. One probable case and death has been reclassified and is now excluded from the Mali case count.
**The outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Senegal and Nigeria were declared over on 17 October and 19 October 2014, respectively. A national EVD outbreak is considered to be over when 42 days (double the 21-day incubation period of the Ebola virus) has elapsed since the last patient in isolation became laboratory negative for EVD.

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